
Joomla Extension Update Server with GitHub integration.

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Joomla! Extension Update Server with GitHub integration.

This application allows you to run easily your own Joomla Extension Update Server using GitHub as a repository. All extension packages will be stored as an asset in a GitHub repository release.


First you need to get your own GitHub Personal Token from Seetings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens. No special permissions are required for this.

Running the application is quite easy, you only need to execute a docker container using -e option to configure the list of extensions you want to serve:

docker pull othercode/jexupdate:latest
docker run -d -p 8080:80 othercode/jexupdate -e GITHUB_TOKEN={token} -e GITHUB_ACCOUNT={account} -e JEX_SERVER_EXTENSIONS={ext_one,ext_two}

for example:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 othercode/jexupdate -e GITHUB_TOKEN=98b669cdb87d168b62ba03fd09dd0e52dbcb0db6 -e GITHUB_ACCOUNT=othercodes -e JEX_SERVER_EXTENSIONS=mod_simplecontactform

Here is the complete list of supported environment variables:

Variable Description Default Value
APP_NAME The application name. JEXServer
APP_DEBUG Enable disable the debug mode. false
APP_ENV Sets the environment mode production
DISPLAY_ERROR_DETAILS Display the errors. false
JEX_SERVER_NAME The update server name. JEXServer
JEX_SERVER_DESCRIPTION The update server description. “Joomla Extension Update Server”
JEX_SERVER_EXTENSIONS The coma separated list of extensions.  
GITHUB_URI The GitHub API endpoint.
GITHUB_TOKEN The GitHub Personal access token.  
GITHUB_ACCOUNT The GitHub account that holds the extensions repositories.  


To initializing the development environment you just need to execute the following command:

docker-compose -f infrastructure/dev/docker-compose.yml up -d --build

Once the docker-compose command finish you will be able to access the application in http://localhost:9000/.

Additionally, you can execute composer with the following command:

docker-compose -f infrastructure/dev/docker-compose.yml run --rm application composer update
docker-compose -f infrastructure/dev/docker-compose.yml run --rm application composer test